Placer Alliance Playing Rules  

Team and Spectator Seating Players | Coaches & spectators to be seated on the same side, separated, per drawing below:

Fair Play Ground Rules

  • Fair play shall always prevail and measures taken to control lopsided competition. How would you feel if you were on the receiving end?
  • The Placer Alliance League pursues a fun environment for all players and coaches. Our opponents are partners in playing this game; without them, we would have no game and no opportunity to play. 
  • Your behavior on the sideline is being watched by someone at all times, and we are modeling and teaching far more with our actions than our words. 
  • We learn far more from adversity than from success and that each perceived setback is an opportunity for growth. 
  • Referees are human and will make mistakes, but they are there to do an honest job. They deserve to be treated with dignity and respect at all times. 
  • Run-Away Scoring: No team shall score a larger than 6 goal differential. Excessive, repeat offenses can- and will lead to suspensions of head/asst. coaches.
  • Foul spectator behavior will be investigated by the League PAD (Protests, Appeals, and Discipline) and more than likely, will lead to suspensions. Let us all enjoy watching the kids play soccer on the weekends.
  • Foul language/cursing by a coach or spectator will lead to an automatic (2) game suspension.
  • Absolutely ZERO alcoholic beverages allowed at the field prior, during, or after games. Open container laws strictly prohibit consumption of alcoholic beverages in our city parks and will lead to an automatic suspension.

7v7 MODIFIED Games

  • Digital Playing Cards are allowed and must be presented to the referee(s) by coaches prior to each game
  • The Home team coach shall always provide a game card, with all attending players listed, to the center referee, for scorekeeping and tracking disciplinary decisions.
  • It is the responsibility of the home team coach or team manager to score the game in team sideline system.
  • Some games may be played with three referees, or fewer, however one referee minimum. 
  • If no referee is available, then the opposing coaches shall choose from the following options: 
  •         - Each officiate ½ of the game 
  •         - Each officiate the opposing teams half for the full game 
  • There are no headers allowed 
  • There are no drop-kicks allowed 
  • Once the GK releases the ball, the opposing team may cross into the build out zone
  • Duplicate jersey numbers are allowed within Placer Alliance
  • Digital Playing Cards are allowed and must be presented to the referee(s) by coaches prior to each game 
  • The Home team coach shall always provide a game card, with all attending players listed, to the center referee, for scorekeeping and tracking disciplinary decisions. 
  • It is the responsibility of the home team coach or team manager to score the game in team sideline system.
  • Goal is for games to be played with three referees.
  • If no referee is available, then the opposing coaches shall choose from the following options:         
  •        -  Each officiate ½ of the game with opposing team sideline judges (AR) who do not call offside, only center ref allowed
  •        -  A certified parent referee is to officiate with with (1) each team sideline judge (AR) who does not call offside, only center ref allowed
  • Duplicate jersey numbers are allowed within Placer Alliance
  • Digital Playing Cards are allowed and must be presented to the referee(s) by coaches prior to each game
  • The Home team coach shall always provide a game card, with all attending players listed, to the center referee, for scorekeeping and tracking disciplinary decisions. 
  • It is the responsibility of the home team coach or team manager to score the game in team sideline system.
  • Standard FIFA Rules. 
  • Duplicate jersey numbers are allowed for teams competing in Placer Alliance competitions only. Does not apply to teams U15+.
  • For teams, U15+ please review the Norcal Premier SuperRec Policies.  Rules: NORCAL SUPER REC

Game Duration, Goal Sizes & Ball Sizes

 U9-U10: Size 4 Ball. 6.5' x 18.5' goals.   25 min halves, 5 min half-time - addt'l water breaks during excessive heat at referee's discretion 

U11-U12: Size 4 Ball. 7' x 21' goals.        30 min halves, 5 min half-time - addt'l water breaks during excessive heat at referee's discretion 

U13-U14: Size 5 Ball. 8' x 24' goals.        35 min halves, 5 min half time - addt'l water breaks during excessive heat at referee's discretion